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Adoration Chapel

Eucharistic Adoration

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament enriches your life, fills your soul with special graces and brings you into a closer relationship with Jesus. It is a time when you grow in your faith and your spirituality. If you would like to have a regular hour for Adoration, please call the Rectory 402-553-7500. If you can’t commit to a certain time you may stop in the Adoration Chapel anytime, day or night. If you want to come in the evening hours, please call the above phone number for the door code. The more often you go to Adoration the more you feel called to come and receive God’s love, peace, and the joy of being with Him.

When you enter the Adoration Chapel we ask that you keep the entrance door closed, as this space has its own heating and cooling thermostat.  Also please slide the tabernacle doors closed when you leave if there is no one else in the chapel.


** Effective February 14, 2024: The code to the church door will be changed and the parish office will now be keeping a record of who is given the code. 


Please either fill out the form linked below or contact the parish office at 402-553-7500.
