This ongoing Holy Cross fundraiser costs you nothing extra. You simply buy gift cards for your favorite stores through our program. They are just like any other gift card, but the great thing about them is Holy Cross gets to purchase them for less than their face value from our national supplier (hundreds of brands available at RaiseRight.com) and local retailers (such as Family Fare, Scooters, Lansky's, Don and Millies, Runza, and Valentino's). You, in turn, purchase them at face value and the profit goes to Holy Cross! You may purchase HOPE gift cards during rectory hours and after all Masses.
Register online at https://www.raiseright.com/
Then, click "Family Sign Up" to create your scrip/HOPE account. Use Holy Cross' enrollment code LF9FA1LL2931. You're set to start shopping! I will receive notification of your order and prepare it. It can be picked up at the Rectory or after weekend masses. You can also order eScrip/ScripNow for a quicker turn around on most emailed "gift cards." Downloading the RaiseRight app is the most convenient way to participate in this program, as it allows you to maintain a virtual "wallet" and can even reload gift cards through the app.*** Also be sure to link your Baker's Plus card to Holy Cross Church. Go to their website under the Community Rewards program to link your card. Every purchase you make will be linked to the HOPE program, providing us a $300+ quarterly bonus! We currently have 94 families signed up (as of November 2024). https://www.bakersplus.com/i/community/community-rewards
Most importantly, it stays right here for Holy Cross School families! The program was started over 20 years ago (2001) to create a revenue stream for The Tuition Assistance Fund (TAF). A few moms got together because they saw a tuition assistance need for many families, and they got Home and School to sponsor it by promoting it and supporting it with volunteers. All HOPE funds went back to school families who were experiencing hardship and needed help with tuition, through an application process. About ten years ago, the program was doing so well that we decided to change where some of the “extra” funds went: the first $10k/year still went to TAF and then any remaining funds raised went to Religious Education materials and sacrament fees for 1st Communion and Confirmation candidates, which is still the current financial model, but TAF will always get paid first. ALL GOOD STUFF - and yes, we currently need a few more volunteers! Your HOPE Coordinator is Kathy Callahan 402-553-7500 or 402-250-5386 -
The Altar Society meets once a month to support Holy Cross Parish. We support parish functions, prepare and serve funeral lunches, clean church, craft, assist with the Stephens Ministry. To see more about the Altar Society, click here.
Booster Club
The Holy Cross Athletic Booster Club consists of a group of parents/volunteers that maintain the gymnasium and baseball/soccer facility for the student athletes of Holy Cross Parish, manage and run three fundraisers per calendar year, and help organize and run the soccer, baseball, softball, volleyball, and basketball teams of Holy Cross Parish. The Athletic Booster Club strives to teach the student athletes that sports are a good way to stay physically fit, but Jesus Christ is always first in our lives. You can also participate in the Annual Golf outing every August to raise funds for our organization. Read the HC Athletic Flier to find out more about the Booster Club.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization established in 1882 by Father Michael McGivney. Today's organization has over two million members, offering more than $177 million in aid through councils estabilshed throughout the world. Our Holy Cross Council 11364 is now over 200 members strong. To learn more about our local council, click here.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a lay, Catholic organization of men and women who give service to The Church on a voluntary basis.
Members of the Legion of Mary offer their service to their pastor to aid him in performing Spiritual works in the parish. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a Prasidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion.
The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The Members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. Spiritual Director is Deacon Tom Burton. WE WELCOME YOU TO JOIN US any Monday at 9:00 am.
Parish Council
PLEASE NOTE: The Holy Cross Parish Council is currently not active.
Parish Council of Holy Cross consists of lay members of the parish and certain members of the parish staff. It meets monthly to exercise shared responsibility for the life of the parish under the pastoral leadership. The purpose of the Council is to:- Research needs, goals and hopes of the parish
- Encourage and support existing ministries
- Evaluate the quality of life of the parish faith community
- Plan for the parish's future by recommending policies, procedures and programs that will meet the needs, goals and hopes of the faith community, encourage and support existing ministries, improve the quality of life of the parish and fulfill the Church's mission
- Communicate with the parish faith community
Tuition Assistance Committee
This committee follows the tuition assistance guidelines. The purpose of which is to establish a methodology for providing benefits to families applying for Holy Cross Tuition Assistance using a sliding fee schedule. Please contact Dale Kreher in the Rectory office 402-553-7500.