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Notes from Fr. Vitalis

Be Transformed Into The Image of Christ


Dear Parishioners,

Last Sunday, our gospel reading briefly recalls the experience of Jesus, who after baptism was moved by the Spirit to the desert where he struggled against the forces of evil and destruction.  He emerges triumphantly and inaugurates his public ministry calling everyone to repentance and to believe in the Gospel.


Today’s gospel recalls the event on Mount Thabor where the disciples of Jesus experienced his transfiguration. They witnessed a radiant outburst of glory that overwhelmed them. These two episodes in the life of Jesus teaches us important lesson about the new kingdom he proclaims. From the solitude of the desert to his transfiguration on mouth Thabor: Jesus reveals our future glory. He shows us a glimpse of what waits for us when we are transformed like him.


Abraham was confronted with a difficult choice. What seemed to be an excessive and inhumane demand was placed before him. He was asked to sacrifice his   beloved son. It was his desert moment. It is difficult to imagine any greater horror than that entailed in the sacrifice which Abraham is commanded to make. Led by faith, Abraham showed incredible trust in God and committed to fulfilling what is expected of him. It seems inconceivable that God would make an inhumane demand from Abraham. However, it was a test which he passed. The experience of Abraham prefigures God’s plan of sending his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be crucified for the forgiveness of sin and redemption of humanity.


For both Abraham and the apostles, a hidden reality is revealed to them which has a transformative effect in their lives. Abraham’s desert moment  was when he was faced with such a heart-breaking decision, while the apostles experienced an unforgettable divine encounter that left them happy and overwhelmed. They saw the glory of Jesus and their hearts could not contain what they experienced.  It was too awesome to behold. Abraham and the apostles experienced a glimpse of Divinity. God revealed himself to them in a way they cannot forget. This encounter strengthens their resolve and devotion.


God has never stop to revealing himself. Jesus is the revelation of God. He is asking that we break away from our old ways of thinking and be open to share in this divine encounter. He is inviting us to share in this reality through the experience of Abraham and the apostles. It will require confidence and fidelity on our part.


Like Abraham, the apostle’s faith in Jesus was sealed. Christ’s glorified state satisfies all their longing and desires. What satisfies you? Who gives you hope? When you are in trouble, or going through difficult times, put your trust in God. We learn something new about trial, suffering and confrontation with evil. We learn that God is with us and will never leave us alone. No cloud or darkness can overshadow his plan for us. God encourages us to have faith in Jesus.  Let us not become so attached to worldly affairs that we forget our ultimate destiny: transfiguration into the image of Christ.


Sincerely Yours in Christ

Fr. Vitalis Anyanike


