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Notes from Fr. Vitalis

God Can Use Small Things To Do Great Works.


Dear Parishioners,

We have come a long way with Jesus. He led us into the heart of God the Father, like a tiny mustard seed planted in the world that we may grow and prosper. The Church takes the lead in continuing the work of Jesus, and we are called to participate in this missionary commitment.

What started with a small group of disciples has blossomed and spread around the globe. Small beginnings produce great things. The seed of faith in you is also destined to bear fruit and be extended to others. You cannot keep the faith to yourself; it must be shared. Faith in God and faith in Jesus, which is our collective mission: to make him known to others and enter a loving relationship with him. 

God’s promise of taking the “a tender shoot” and plant it as described by prophet Ezekiel appears to be fulfilled in the person and mission of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the source of life and community for all believers who are gathered in his body. While prophet Ezekiel speaks of the future, Jesus speaks of the kingdom here and now. He revealed something more about the kingdom he inaugurated.

This new kingdom that Jesus introduces cannot be stopped or even destroyed by anyone. It will grow like a mustard seed, providing shelter, food, and safety to all. This kingdom is universal; no one is excluded from it. The enemies of Jesus and his kingdom will be over run and vanquished. Jesus and all who follow him will prove to be victorious in his resurrection. This implies that the kingdom of Jesus will wrestle against other powers, kingdoms and principalities known in the world.

Therefore, those who come to Jesus must have complete trust in the kingdom he shares with us. We cannot despair in the face of many challenges and sufferings that confront us daily. God is not ashamed of nothingness and suffering; he takes delight in turning what appears small and insignificant into something marvelous. Jesus has come to reassure us how precious we are before God. In his  kingdom everyone counts. Did we merit such kindness and tenderness of God? Absolutely not! We did not merit it; rather, it is an act of God’s pure love for us. 

It is amazing what God can do with us. There is no junk before God, Jesus assures us that. “God can use small things to do great works. We should never think that we are too insignificant, too weak, or too flawed to be part of God’s plan. He may have great things in store for us if we are open to his will and listening for his voice.”

If God can call me to serve him as a priest, knowing how weak and sinful I am, no one is beyond his reach and invitation. Saint Paul tells us to be courageous and to walk by faith and not by sight.  To walk by faith means to abandon oneself into God’s arm of mercy, love and hope. All the good we accomplish in our life is due to the action of the Lord. We should not be afraid of God, who has shown so much love, tenderness and mercy.

On this Father’s Day weekend, we celebrate generous contributions that Fathers and father figures have made in our lives. We pray God’s rich blessings on these men, and may they continue to imitate God who revealed himself as a Father. Happy Father’s Day!


Sincerely Yours In The Lord,

Fr. Vitalis Anyanike, Pastor

