Festival 2022 was September 11th from 12-6pm this year AND our 50th year having it!
Festival is a major fundraiser and community-building event for Holy Cross and vital to our continued success as a parish.
With excellent weather and excellent attendance, all enjoyed food (think Kotulak Sausage and Peppers!), beverages, games, prizes, bounce houses, music and all things FESTIVAL!
Since it was our 50th Anniversary of having Festival we brought back the Dunk Tank and the Jail which was loads of fun! We also sold commemorative t-shirts which we still have available in the Rectory for $15.
Our numbers are as followed:
Gross Proceeds: $76,099.65
Expenses: $31,313.33
Net Proceeds: $46,606.28
A huge thank you to our financial sponsors and the many hard working and dedicated volunteers who make it all work! We have a great team who does an amazing job!
The Church Rectory Chaired Festival 2022, but looking ahead, we are needing a couple or group of friends to Chair Festival 2023! Fear not, as everything is in place and totally organized for a seamless transition! AND you will be guided by current Chairs Kathy Callahan and Andrea Ramsey and former Chairs, Jay & Gail Kotulak. If you would like to learn more, please contact the Rectory office at 402-553-7500.