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Notes from Fr. Vitalis

Jesus Is The Star Of Our Life


Dear Parishioners,


Our understanding of the mission of the newborn Christ is becoming clearer. His birth was not exclusively for the Jewish nation: it was for all nations. The feast of the Epiphany further deepens our understanding of the message of Christmas. Epiphany, which means manifestation, draws our attention to a wider implication of Jesus’ birth. His birth will gradually affect all humanity because no one is excluded from his kingdom.


All men will be gathered together into the light of Christ. Prophet Isaiah spoke of this reality to his people many years ago, “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the people; but upon you the LORD shines, and over you appear his glory. Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance.”


Led by the star these men from the East came to worship the newborn child. Their presence and the gifts they offered to the newborn child are symbolic and are demonstrative of the mission of Jesus. Everyone comes to or is led to Him. The cloud of darkness has no place in the presence of Jesus and on all who are drawn toward him. It is a new era. Saint Paul says that God’s grace is made possible in the great mystery of the Incarnation and that the plan of God, which was concealed from ages past, is now revealed in the birth of Jesus.


This plan is made known not only to the apostles and prophets but also to us who live the Christmas joy and equality it restored among God’s people. We are no longer separated but members of the one body, Jews and Gentiles alike. In his eyes, we are all equal and called to remove roadblocks of hatred, stereotypes, racial discrimination, and violence. It is sad and painful when we drag ourselves through the mud of racial tension and hostility, when our conversations are limited to those who think like us or look like us, when our national debates on immigration evoke such anger and resentment or when we think only of ourselves and enjoy wealth without caring for the less fortunate.


The manifestation of the Child Jesus speaks to us about our common destiny and the new family we have become. We are his people, the flock he has chosen. Jesus is the star of our life. Do you recognize him? Do you want to be led by the star? Can you see his signs?


What are these signs today? What enables you to recognize the Lord? The Magi worked together to get to their destination. Collaboration, peaceful co-existence, and commitment to follow Jesus will bring you to the desired destination. In him we find light, happiness, and peace. Remember, the sign is not the object; rather it guides us to our destination—a life with God.  I wish you a very Happy and prosperous New Year


Sincerely Yours In Christ,

Rev. Vitalis Anyanike


