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Notes from Fr. Vitalis

The Tiny Whispering of God                                      


Dear Parishioners,

God will never fail to extend his hands of protection on us, especially in times of our trials and tribulations. Sometimes we are aware of it.  There are times we are so deeply consumed in our afflictions and struggles that we barely feel God’s  presence. Sometimes we unintentionally try exclude God in the process. The ups and downs of life can be overwhelming. And yes, we often fail to hear the tiny whispering of God’s love and presence when we feel besieged. Today’s scripture readings reaffirm God’s presence in our daily life. Jesus helps us to see that God remains present, even when our faith is weak and sight blurred.


The stormy sea is a symbol of chaotic evil in the world. It represents both natural disasters and evil caused by humans such as violence, poverty, and                     discrimination. We have a long history of sin and brutality.  The enemy, the evil Satan is always at work seeking ways to ruin souls. But today, our Lord Jesus teaches us that we are made to conquer all these bad and chaotic elements if we have faith in God. He showed us that he has power to calm the sea and take away our troubles. The boat in the stormy sea symbolizes the church and all her members. The church will carry on the mission of Jesus; a mission of salvation. She will experience and survive persecutions, errors, oppositions and apostasies. His presence will never leave his church.


We are the church; his sons and daughters he came to rescue from this turbulence and stormy sea. Elijah the prophet was escaping his own stormy life; running away from the wicked king Ahab and Jezebel who wanted him dead. He was tired and worn out. But the Lord came to him and calmed his fears. He saved him by revealing himself to him in the gentle whispering of sound. How often do we find ourselves in such situations?


In our own life of faith we are confronted daily by the endless cycle of  tragedies, death, illness, poverty and violence. Peter’s attempt to walk on the water        reminds us of our limitations and weaknesses. The risk he took was real, and so are our daily struggles. When he encountered strong wind he was frightened and began to sink. “Fear shrinks a human being, rendering him incapable of seeing his action through to the end.” Peter learned the hard truth after taking a few steps on the water; it is only the abiding presence of God that saves.


The Lord is telling us that fear is useful. Only total confidence in the Lord is required. We should not allow the force of the wind to overtake us. Peter’s cry becomes a powerful expression of humility and helplessness. Our lack of faith can be restored by our willingness to reach out to the Lord. In moments of      trouble do not be afraid to cry out like Peter, “Lord, save me!” Then you will hear the tiny whispering of God’s mercy and love.


Pray for me as I begin my pastoral ministry today. We welcome Archbishop George Lucas, who is presiding at the Mass of my installation as pastor of Holy Cross Parish.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Grace and peace to you,                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Fr. Vitalis Anyanike                                                  


