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Notes from Fr. Vitalis

There Is No Limit To God’s Love


Dear Parishioners,

The proclamation of the Gospel started with this powerful invitation to conversion. “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”  With these words, our Lord Jesus Christ began his public ministry by calling us to action, for a new era has dawned. The words of Jesus speak to the urgency of this new reality, as well as a time of fulfillment when all hopes and expectations are to be satisfied. His mission begins with a summon to those willing to accept it; but first, they must repent and believe in the good news.


What does Repent mean? The word Repent comes from the Greek word metanoia, which literally means a change of mind. It isn’t always as easy as most of us may think. It is important not to confuse two things: sorrow for the consequences of sin and sorrow for sin. Often, we are truly sorry for the mess that our sin has got us into but, sometimes, when we know that we can reasonably escape the consequences of our sins, we are most likely to do it again. Therefore, it isn’t the sin that we hate, but it’s consequences. However, Jesus is demanding something far deeper. “Real repentance means that a man has come, not only to be sorry for the consequences of his sin, but to hate sin itself.” It is a radical decision that demands a complete turn around and rejection of sin.


What is good news? Jesus is the good news of truth.  In times past, men and women could only guess and search after God. But now with Jesus Christ, the face of God is seen. We can now see clearly what God is like. That is the message that Jesus is proclaiming. It is the good news of hope. He brings hope to the hopeless heart. It is the good news of peace. Jesus brings order and a sense of purpose to the disintegration of humanity. He assures humanity of his true identity and reason for our existence. It is good news of friendship with God. He unites us to God’s loveliness.


God made us for himself:  he shares his life with us so that we may know him, love him and serve him and dwell with him forever. It is good news of immortality. To those who do not believe, life ends in death; but Jesus came with the good news that we are on the way to life rather than death. Death has no power over us. It is good news of salvation. Jesus frees us from sin. That ancient curse that held humanity in bondage is broken and permanently removed. Jesus is the antidote to sin. He liberates us from the clutches of the Devil. He gives us the power to live freely and victoriously.


What does it mean to believe? Believe, says Jesus, in the good news. It means to place absolute trust in Jesus and his word, to accept his invitation and believe that God so loves the world that he gave his Son Jesus and will do whatever necessary to redeem humanity. There is no limit to God’s love.


It is never too late to turn away from evil ways. There is always time to do the right thing. This is the time to turn to that voice that calls us to repentance and accepting the Gospel. Jesus tells us that God’s reign is right here, and believing the good news is the way to enter into this kingdom. Like the apostles, let us not hesitate to respond to his invitation. There are no excuses. The apostles’ response was unqualified, immediate and total. They left everything and followed Jesus.


What are you willing to leave behind to follow him? Let your faith move you into    action. However, we must remember that “God’s call to discipleship and conversion is a gracious act which is really a way of life, a path to walk, light in the darkness.” Jesus promise of the power of God’s grace defies human and practical considerations. It can refashion the heart of a person, a city, a world. There is no limit to God’s love. There is hope for our nation if we accept the good news. Only Jesus can make us a new nation and people.


Grace And Peace To You,

Rev. Vitalis Anyanike


