Holy Cross Volunteers Honored
Stephens Center Appreciation Dinner
On April 17th the Stephen Center Homeless Shelter held their annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. During the dinner various volunteer individuals and organizations were honored for their exemplary service during the past year. Holy Cross was honored as the Meal Provider of the year for bringing 2 suppers a month along with people to serve them. It was noted that Holy Cross started providing meals shortly after the Shelter opened in the mid 1980's, so they have been doing it a long long time!
Pictured from the right are: Marj Krawczyk, Judie Jones, Nancy Nystrom, Deacon Tom Burton and Marlene Mahoney from Holy Cross along with 2 staff members from the Stephen's Center. Many others from Holy Cross help to make the meals, collect them together at the school cafeteria, transport them to the Center and serve them. The Stephen Center appreciates everyone at Holy Cross who has helped make it happen for over 35 years!