Baptism - Please contact the Rectory 402-553-7500 and we will follow up regarding classes.
Holy Eucharist/1st Communion - Please contact Catie Johnson 402-238-8288 regarding Children's Religious Education which begins in August. For adult RCIA classes please contact the Rectory and Deacon Nick Rasmussen will follow up regarding classes which begin in September.
Confirmation - Please contact Catie Johnson 402-238-8288 regarding Children's Religious Education. For adult OCIA classes please contact the Rectory and Deacon Nick Rasmussen will follow up regarding classes which begin in September.
Confession - Confession times are Monday thru Friday at 5pm (before 5:30pm mass) and Saturday from 3:30-5pm (before 5:30pm mass). If you are unable to come to the church, please contact the Rectory 402-553-7500 for special arrangements with a priest to follow up.
Marriage Prep - Please call the Rectory 402-553-7500 with your information and Fr. Vitalis Anyanike will follow up with you.
Anointing of the Sick - Please call the Rectory 402-553-7500 and we will arrange for a priest to visit your loved one.
Holy Orders - Please contact the Vocation Office of the Archdiocese of Omaha at 402-558-3100 or click button below to be redirected to the Archdiocese of Omaha Vocation Info.