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Altar Serving

Dear Parents,

We are all called to participate in the Liturgy in many ways. All children in grades 5 and above are eligible to register to become an Altar Server.  While Altar Serving is not a requirement, it is a special opportunity.  We would ask all parents to visit with their child(ren) and to encourage them to at least consider the training and shadowing opportunities being offered.  


From Fr. Salanitro to our servers:

You have volunteered to take on a holy responsibility to serve at God’s Altar. 

You will be an important part of the Mass by assisting the priests, deacons, as well as the people in the Church. Your presence in the Sanctuary will require you to be an example of attention, reverence, and participation in the responses and singing. 

You have chosen a beautiful way to show your love for God. 

God bless you! 

