"Welcome to Oz" was the theme for Gala 2022 which occurred April 2nd at the Scott Conference Center.
And what a night! The Scott Conference Center is a beautiful and spacious facility which played host to the much anticipated evening's events.
Doors opened at 5:30pm and guests enjoyed cocktail and social hour with complimentary beer and wine. A delicious dinner of beef tenderloin and apricot chicken was served at 7pm, catered by The Scott Center. Father Salanitro's welcome blessing was beautiful and insightful. It was so good to be gathered as a community again and celebrating our parish!
A very successful Silent Auction and Super Silent Auction featured over 180 baskets, followed by the lively Austin Schaben auctioneer who carried the Live Auction of 10 fun packages.
We "Raised the Paddle" for Holy Cross and our HC Human Needs Ministry which brought in an AMAZING combined $28,180.00!
Congratulations to our beautiful Helen Zahm-Honaker who received the much deserved Celtic Cross Award, surrounded by family and friends!
Congratulations to Stacy Wells our Grand Prize $2500 raffle winner and Mary Jo Bassett our $500 second prize winner!
Congratulations to HC teacher Joe Fisher for his fun Heads or Tails-Split the Pot win and Lucy Marasco who took home the beautiful Stephen Dweck necklace!
Guests enjoyed many photo ops as they were transported into the movie-like scenes in the Tin Man's Forest and along Dorothy's Path, complete with trees, leaves, hay bales, white fencing, corn stalks, bicycle and basket, suitcase, wagon wheel, and even a Yellow Brick Road leading guests to the main event through the impressive Gates of Oz flanked by Andrea's giant, hand-made, red paper poppies! Former Holy Cross Grads (Shannon Jerram '11, JT Klein '14, John Begley '11 and Corey Callahan '17) donned costume and character as they mingled with guests as Dorothy, Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow, for pictures and raffle sales.
After a wonderful program guests enjoyed dancing and music by DJ Jesse from Chaos, with the last guests leaving around midnight.
A big shout out and thank you to Jen Brown from Spirit Catholic Radio/KVSS 102.7, who emceed the night in great "Glenda the Good Witch" fashion!
A big shout out and thank you to our Underwriters and Advertisers who contributed immensely to the costs of this great event! Please remember them when considering businesses for goods and services! Just click their logo at the bottom of the homepage of this website for a direct link to their respective websites.
Thank you to all of our underwriters, advertisers, donors, guests and volunteers for a very successful and amazing Gala 2022! We net close to $90k which would not have been possible without all who participated! Please remember to patronize our underwriters and advertisers! You can click their ad at the bottom of our website and it will link directly to theirs.
There is no place like Holy Cross!
BTW, we are already seeking volunteers to Chair Gala 2023!
Please call or email the rectory! 402-553-7500