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Notes from Fr. Vitalis

Be Opened.


Dear Parishioners,

Our scripture readings today present a hopeful outlook on life. It begins with the promise of liberation, and healing of human illness. Prophet Isaiah spoke clearly about God’s concrete efforts to bring to fulfillment and the hopes and aspiration of Israel. God takes the lead to deliver his people. If God is not able to vanquish Israel’s foes, then he would be perceived as inferior to gods of the surrounding neighbors.

But there are greater foes to deal with and they are suffering illness, death, and brokenness that often handicap or destroy life. With this understanding, the ancient Israel sees any kind of physical or mental disability as a lack of wholeness or integrity. They believed that “evil thoughts are masked in various guises: physical illness, handicaps, burned and scorched land without vegetation, sinful conduct and death itself.” Any person with such is considered incapable to participate in the life of a holy community. Prophet Isaiah pushed against such a mindset and directed them to trust in God who restores all things.

The Book of James will further support the dignity of the human person and equality of everyone, regardless of physical ability. All are important and valued before God. Jesus led by example and rejected the erroneous belief that promoted disrespect to a human person. He emphatically   condemns the attitude that discriminates against any person with physical and mental challenges. He spent his mission healing, casting out demons, and restoring people back to the wholeness of life.

He brings new life to the physically impaired. This marks the beginning of the era of grace that Prophet Isaiah alluded to several years ago. It is not just a spiritual encounter; it has a physical dimension. Jesus spent his mission as an iterant preacher, moving from one village to another, healing, lifting up people and transforming hearts and minds of anyone open to welcome him. The deaf, the lame, the mute and the possessed became beneficiaries of his goodness. God is making all things new. Even the desert receives irrigation and becomes fertile.

The healing of the deaf and mute man in today’s gospel illustrates how far our Lord Jesus is willing to go to make us whole again. In an unusual   fashion, Jesus becomes physically involved to correct the man’s handicap. He inserted his fingers in the ears and spittle was placed on the tongue while groaning deep in prayer. This man had been locked up in himself, no communication with the world outside.  He could not hear the outside world, nor could he express himself. The Lord breaks that barrier of silence and isolation. He opened a new world for the man. “Be opened,” he said, and the man was set free.

Likewise, Jesus came to speak in God’s name. He came to help us hear and express God’s word. The healing of this man is also our healing too so we can be able to express God’s love in relationship with others. Our society is deaf and mute to God’s Word. Our society needs healing and opening up. Let us allow Jesus to open our ears and teach us a language of love.


Sincerely Yours In the Lord,

Fr. Vitalis Anyanike, Pastor

