Altar Society

The organization was established in 1922. We welcome Catholic women for an annual membership of just $10. Monthly meetings cost $8.50 and includes a catered lunch followed by a speaker or entertainment and a short business meeting. We ask working women who are unable to attend meetings regularly to join as a supporting member. Your $10 is used for many parish functions.
Our stewardship opportunities:
- Prepare & serve funeral lunches (corporal work of Mercy)
- Clean church twice a month on Wednesday
- Craft club – cut, stitch, embroider, tie quilts, and conversation
- Stephens Ministry – make and/or serve casseroles and desserts
- Honor guard prays the rosary before the funeral of Altar Society members and escorts the casket out of the church.
- Festival – bake sale, craft goods sales, and quilt raffle
Joan Eickhoff & Carol Nelson working on a homemade Festival quilt
We support the Gaelic Gala, tuition assistance for student of Holy Cross School, St. Vincent DePaul Society, Bethlehem House and seminarians.
Come and enjoy a meeting as a guest. Meet and make friends.
Contact Margie Rasmussen for more information.