Human Needs & Pastoral Ministry

There was a consistent message coming through loud and clear while interviewing Theresa McLaury, Holy Cross’s Pastoral Assistant for over 20 years, which was the desire for parishioners to know they can call her 24/7 if ever in need of spiritual, emotional or physical support.
When asked to describe her approach to what she sees clearly as more than just a job, Theresa replied, “Focusing on the Gospel teachings of Jesus is what it’s all about. If I take Christ out of the center of what I do, then I’m a social worker, He has to get the glory and honor.“ Theresa went on to say she, “works solely for God, and He commands us to work for one another.”
Working for Fr Salanitro, her “other boss," Theresa assists with his visits to home-bound and long-term care facilities, meetings with families planning funerals, as well as helping Holy Cross students practice for Mass readings and their community work at Douglas County. The local grocery stores are quite familiar with Theresa and her coupons, as she is always on the search for a good deal and someone in need of assistance with their groceries.
After Fr. Salanitro, Theresa McLaury is probably the most familiar “face of Holy Cross” and with her kind, generous and humble manner she is most likely the heart too.